#NationalCleanUpYourRoomDay: Turning Chores into Fun Adventures

Published on 10 May 2024 at 00:58

A Day to Celebrate Cleaning Up Your Room?

Well, I don’t know about you, but did you know that in the USA, May 10th is celebrated as National Clean Up Your Room Day? It seems like perfect timing, falling towards the end of Spring when many of us have already tackled a big Spring clean. But here in the UK, it feels like every day is Clean Up Your Room Day, especially if you have a mum who's always on top of things!

 The origins of this special day trace back to around 1995, when a mother decided to teach her child the importance of cleaning up around the house. Interestingly, various religions also incorporate special clean-up days before their respective holidays. In India, homes are cleaned before Diwali, the festival of lights, while in Iran, it's done in preparation for Norooz, the Persian New Year.

Make it fun


Now, let's face it, kids usually aren't too keen on cleaning. But what if we could turn it into a game? Here are a few creative ideas:

 1. I-Spy: Transform the classic game into a cleaning adventure. "I-spy a red dragon, where does it live?" The child then hunts for the toy and returns it to its proper place.

 2. Basketball Laundry: Turn dirty laundry into a game of hoops. Place the laundry basket in the centre of the room, and whoever scores the most "baskets" gets to pick a reward.

 3. Disco Clean: Pump up the music and turn cleaning into a dance party. Groove around the room while picking up toys and tidying up.


4. Make a Movie: Capture the cleaning process on camera, interviewing the kids as they tidy up. It'll make them feel like celebrities and give you a fun keepsake.

 5. Animal Charades: Act like different animals while cleaning up. The person who guesses the animal correctly gets to be the next cleaning "animal."

 6. Pick Up Sticks: Challenge yourself to collect items with your feet. See how far you can get while tidying up.

 Short bursts of fun cleaning sessions are the way forward, with a little reward at the end or a points/stars system leading to a monthly prize.

But let's not forget about age-appropriate tasks:

Ages 2–3: Cleaning up toys, wiping spills, helping make beds.

Ages 3–5: Making beds, sorting laundry, feeding pets, pulling weeds.

Ages 6–9: Sweeping floors, raking leaves, cleaning bedrooms, loading the dishwasher, vacuuming.

Ages 10–12: Taking out trash and recycling, doing laundry, washing the car.

Ages 13+: Making dinner, caring for pets, cleaning the bathroom, deep cleaning the kitchen.

#CleanUpYourRoom Eco T-shirts

And guess who wanted to join in on the fun? Grandfather Time and Miss Ruby Heart from the children’s books by Rose English! They've even created eco-friendly t-shirts with the message "Grandfather Time says Please #CleanUpYourRoom." Check them out on Ruby’s Em~PAW~rium.

So, let's make cleaning fun with short, sweet bursts of activities. Who said chores can't be an adventure? Let's turn National Clean Up Your Room Day into an exciting family affair! 🧹🎉

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