Bookstore Launch. First Day and we're off!

Published on 21 November 2023 at 00:28

Hello and welcome book lovers. For those of you who don't know me I'm Rose English, first and foremost a Read~a~holic but also an independant self-publishing author of short stories and childrens books. We cater to the young and young at heart like ourselves.

Today, I am beyond excited to report that our first day as an online business has been a very pleasant surprise. We have very kindly received three books purchased, and then donated as gifts for the children who will be spending their Christmas in Hereford County Hospital. If you might be thinking that the donations came from family members you would be mistaken. So, words today are actually escaping me. I cannot thank these wonderful supporters enough. You know who you are. It’s a very big THANK YOU from myself and Miss Ruby Heart.

She is very excited too and has done a little video for you. Click the image or Click here

Ruby loves doing video’s especially children’s book reviews (with the assistance of the My Talking Pet App). We hope to have a regular feature on the blog called #RubyTubeDay Where we will be sharing our video shorts on our YouTube Channel and hopefully in here every Tuesday #ComingSoon. Watch this space book lovers.



Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by.


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